Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Goodbye Tern Island

The old and new Tern crews
Launching our ride to the Searcher

Jimmy and I saying good bye to Tern Island in the background

Bye Tern!

Our ride back to civilization

First sight of land

A little fishing on the way home

Fishing at sunset


Fresh Tuna

Living room on the Searcher


We all had a bedroom with our own bathroom! Pretty fancy

One of the many cabins on the boat

Dining area


The bridge

After 4 days of 10+ ft swells we finally arrived in Honolulu

Everyone was happy we were almost back, it was a rough ride.

3rd level of the boat

4th level of the boat where we spent most of the trip trying not to get seasick. 

A beautiful rainbow welcomed us back to the main islands. We passed through the rainbow, it was gorgeous.

Welcome to Oahu

The boat that usually brings supplies to Tern Island on its way to and from Midway.

How Sarah felt about returning to Honolulu (a little scared).

Finally back on land, we were all very wobbly for the next week

BFAL learning to fly
Last day on Tern, enjoying the day and watching the birds

Saying goodbye to our friend at the east seawall

So long albatrosses

One last sky moo

The hair do's were hilarious


Loving the hair


Last snorkel at Whale Skate

Bluefin trevally


Achilles Tang

Ornate butterflyfish

We took the clear water for granted

Terminal male spectacled parrot fish

Bluefin Trevally

Potter's Angelfish, a personal favorite

Our time on Tern finally came to end. It was an incredible experience that we will remember the rest of our lives. The friends, birds, seals, turtles, and fish were all amazing and we will truly miss all of them. The sail back to civilization was a bit bumpy with 10 ft swells. We were also all a bit woozy and sleepy from our seasickness patches. We slept most of the trip and when we weren't sleeping we were usually on the 4th level on the boat where the best view and fresh air was. The boat was lovely and the food was more than delicious.  Several seabirds could be seen from time to time along the trip and we had our final goodbyes. We gave our project presentations in the office the day after our return and they all went really well.  We will never forget our time on Tern Island. We want to thank all of our followers and viewers in 47 countries around the world!

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7.       New Zealand    
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