Saturday, February 5, 2011

Cold and Rainy

Nesting Red-Tailed Tropic bird pair

Red-Tailed Tropic bird (RTTR)


Wedge-tailed Shearwater

Gray-back Terns

The past couple days have been cold (mid 60's) and rainy with high winds. The rain is probably good because it was sunny and dry for over a month before the rain came. We have been finished with albatross sweeps for about a week now and have been proofing all of our data while the weather is miserable outside. Before it started raining so much we began a mark recapture study of Red-Tailed Tropic Birds. This requires excellent bird wrangling skills since they like to nest in the very middle of dense bushes. Here are a few pictures; more to come when the weather improves.

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