Thursday, April 28, 2011

Easter Sunday on La Perouse Pinnacle

A shark swimming through the tunnnel/cave under La Perouse

Seal swimming around near La Perouse

Kristina swimming through the cave under La Perouse

Kristina about to swim through the cave

Luckily the shark was not in the cave under La Perouse when we swam through
On Easter Sunday we took the boats out to La Perouse Pinnacle. The snorkeling was incredible, we will put up more pictures of the reef and fish in a later blog. While snorkeling we discovered that there is a tunnel/cave underwater beneath La Perouse about 25-30 feet down. Jimmy and I finally mustered up the courage to swim through the tunnel, and we were glad we did, it was an incredible experience. Luckily no sharks were inhabiting the cave when we did our swim through. Pictures courtesy of Mark Sullivan, one of the NMFS Hawaiian Monk Seal researchers out here.
After snorkeling Jimmy and I prepared an Easter ham for dinner! It turned out delicious!

We had an Easter feast! We also made cheesy potatoes and green bean casserole, Paula made yummy spiced carrots, Sarah and Dan made a delicious pineapple casserole, and Lindsey made some amazing haystack cookies.

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