Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Black-foots are Hatching

Oreo, the Black-foot Albatross

Freshly hatched Black-foot albatross chick

A proud mother..or father (they take turns)

Windy Day


Jimmy found this interesting looking red footed booby (they are usually white). Photo by Jimmy Macaulay

Brown booby between two red footed boobies. There are only a couple brown boobies on the island, most are on La Perouse

Red footed booby at sunrise

Hawaiian Monk Seals love to lay in the sun

Melinda is our fiddler on the roof

Jimmy and I at sunset


waves in the sand

Melinda and I snorkeling

Healthy coral reef
The first black-foot albatross chicks are starting to hatch! We are almost done with our third albatross sweep of the island. The laysan albatrosses should begin hatching soon as well. The weather has been windy with a little sun here and there, no rain in a while. We went snorkeling on MLK day on the south west side of the island. The reef structures were beautiful and there were several patches of healthy coral.

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