Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

Hawaiian Monk Seal 
It has been sunny and beautiful here the past couple of days. Yesterday we investigated the reef and saw several white tip sharks, reef fish, and some juvenile Hawaiian green sea turtles. The waves were smaller than usual yesterday so we were able to snorkel in shallow areas which are normally much too rough to see. We brought in the New Year last night with some expired sparklers from the year 2000.  Today Jimmy and I were asked to take photos of a young monk seal resting on our boat ramp. His two toned coat is a result of being midway through the process of molting his old fur.  He is untagged so he is probably from another island in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands.  Now we are attempting to make a Tern island version of non-mushroom mushroom logs for a new years snack.  Off to a good start in 2011!  We miss all of you and hope you have a great beginning to your new year.

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