Friday, May 20, 2011

Coral Spawning - French Frigate Shoals, NWHI

From Left to Right- Curt, Lindsey, Kristina, Jimmy, and Brendan

Cauliflower coral spawning

Hermit crab that was hanging out under the boat

Lindsey, our coral expert 

Table Coral and lots of fish

Jimmy took this amazing picture

Monk seal who came to check us out

Crown of thorns starfish

Today we witnessed for the first time in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands a cauliflower coral spawning. Lindsey, our coral expert led the expedition to Shark Island where we waited for the sun to rise and the moon to set. At 7:40am almost 100% of the cauliflower coral began to spawn and send poofs of little white clouds into the water. It was a magnificent sight. This was our fourth attempt at witnessing the spawn and we were excited to finally see it. The fish were very friendly this morning and it almost seemed like they were posing for the pictures.  

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