Sunday, May 29, 2011

Summer is almost here!

Red Footed Booby on East Island

Black- Footed Albatross on East Island

Red- Tailed Tropic Bird on East Island

Cuddling Turtles on East Island

Hawaiian Monk Seal looking for a spot on the beach

The beach on East island is very crowded now, over 400 turtles were seen on the island a few days ago.

Enjoying the sun

Crowded beach on East Island

Red- Tailed Tropic Bird on East Island

This Masked Booby is king of the hill

Jimmy and I on East Island

We finally got a picture of a Red- Tailed Tropic Bird with the blue water in the background!

Red- Tailed Tropic Bird

Disappearing Island

Masked Booby and chick on Gin Island

Hawaiian Monk seal and pup on Gin Island

Christmas Shearwater nesting on Tern Island
Black- Footed Albatross Chick flapping his wings
The chicks have started to hop and flap their wings, it's getting close to fledging time

Paula, Curt, Jimmy and I bringing this mama turtle back to the beach. She wandered onto the runway the night before and got lost.

We are coming to the end of our season out on Tern Island. We are finally finished with our projects and are almost finished compiling all of our results. We have been watching more sunsets and trying to make the most of each day. Our newest project has been setting up East Island for seabird plots. There has been a huge influx of Hawaiian Green sea turtles on all the islands especially East Island where over 400 turtles were seen just a couple days ago. The turtles have been busy at night digging their nests. During his entrapment walk about a week or two ago, Jimmy found a mama turtle lost on the runway. She was happy to be returned to beach safe and sound. The albatross will be fledging soon, they have already begun stretching out there wings and hopping every once and a while. That is about all for this week. We hope everyone has a wonderful Memorial Day weekend! 

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