Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Tour of Tern Island

This is a map of our Atoll, French Frigate Shoals
Tern Island aerial view
Tern Island map
The way Tern Island looked in the 30's

This picture is from the 70's. Notice the lovely Iron wood trees, sidewalk, manicured lawn, and  tennis court.

This is the way it looks now. The side walk is cracked in many places and mostly covered in vegetation. The Iron wood trees are now stumps and the tennis court now serves as a catchment pad for rainwater. 

This picture is also from the 70s. Notice that the barracks do not yet have solar  panels, and there is no large bush  in front of the building.

This is a picture of what it looks like now. The Iron wood trees are missing but we now have a large bush and a palm tree in front of the barracks. 

 Tern Island also used to have a playboy club. The clubhouse was on the south beach area just below (east of) the tennis court. (Thanks to Jerry Murdock for the pictures and information!)

This is a picture of our courtyard (Picture by Lindsey Kramer)

View from the kitchen (Picture by Lindsey Kramer)

This is the common room before I painted the back wall. (Picture by Lindsey Kramer)

This is the common room after some painting on the back wall.  We have a pool table, foose ball table, ping pong table, TV, large stash of movies, books, and games for entertainment. (Picture by Lindsey Kramer)

The pantry. It is getting pretty empty these past couple weeks, but soon the Searcher will be here to bring fresh supplies. (Picture by Lindsey Kramer)

The workout room, complete with TV for P90X. (Picture by Lindsey Kramer)

The common room and eating area (Picture by Lindsey Kramer)

Our fleet of boats, pictured here is the Eva and the Spam

We hoist our boats in and out of the water here instead of using a ramp. (Picture by Lindsey Kramer)

 Here is a basic tour of Tern Island. I probably should have made this post several months ago, but I was too excited about getting pictures of  the birds and fish. So here is where we have spent the last 7 months. 


  1. The "Playboy Club" picture looks like one I took in 1976. The clubhouse was on the south beach area just below (east of) the tennis court. Most of the time we would take our chairs out on the beach rather than sit at the bar. It was more fun to watch the "natives" than to sit inside. We could usually depend on either the manta rays or the albatrosses to put on a show while we sipped a Primo.

  2. Jerry,
    We are so glad you found the blog! We will make sure to go back and give you credit for your photo. Sadly, the playboy club is no longer there, however it would have been a welcome distraction and a great place to relax after a long day at work. It is still fun to watch the "natives" but now we do it from the roof of the warehouse.


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