Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Friendly Fish and Turtles at Whale Skate

Lindsey's Birthday snorkeling trip

The guys with the birthday girl

Jimmy and I at Whale Skate

Curious sea turtle

Jack alley near Whale Skate

A trail of chubs followed us everywhere we went

Green sea turtle swimming though fish

The fish were very interested in Jimmy

This past week we have been working on lots of data entry and wrapping up our plots and projects. It was Lindsey's birthday on Sunday so we went on a snorkeling trip to Whale Skate. It was one of the most beautiful snorkeling spots we have ever been to. There were hundreds of friendly and curious fish in all directions. Wherever you went a long line of chubs would follow and play in your bubbles. There were many sea turtles swimming or laying on top of shallow parts of the reef. It was a beautiful day. 

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